Published Mar 13, 2014
Week 14: 1A 2A Championship Games
Elmore Laws III Publisher
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Saturday, March 15th, 2014
Coaches Poll as of March 14th: 1. Nikolaevsk, 2. Cook Inlet Academy, 3. Newhalen, 4. Yakutat, 5. Kake
1A Girls Opening Round Games @ West/South Anchorage HS's
3:30pm, Gm 5 - #1-Nikolaevsk (22-4) 42, Buckland (22-5) 43 Final, Boxscore
7:00pm, Gm 7 - St. Mary's (21-4) 80, #5-Kake (10-1) 41 Final, Boxscore
9:45am, Gm 2 - #3-Newhalen (9-7) 74, Alak (20-5) 55 Final, Boxscore
1:15pm, Gm 4 - Chefornak (0-3) 36, Teller (15-3) 41 Final, Boxscore
11:30am, Gm 3 - Kiana (14-10) 47, Huslia (7-7) 35 Final, Boxscore
5:15pm, Gm 6 - #4-Yakutat (13-5) 37, #2-Cook Inlet (14-6) 24 Final, Boxscore
8:00am, Gm 1 - Shishmaref (16-1) 56, Scammon Bay (10-4) 37 Final, Boxscore
8:45pm, Gm 8 - Akiachak (0-3) 31, Koliganek (1-1) 65 Final, Boxscore
Coaches Poll as of March 14th: 1. Klawock, 2. Yakutat, 3. Noatak, 4. Nikolaevsk, 5. Scammon Bay
1A Boys Opening Round Games @ South Anchorage HS
8:00am, Gm 1 - Seldovia (15-9) 81, Selawik (17-9) 76 2-OT Final, Boxscore
7:00pm, Gm 7 - #5-Scammon Bay (14-7) 37, #2 Yakutat (19-5) 60 Final, Boxscore
11;30am, Gm 3 - King Cove (3-2) 60, Alak (1-0) 62 Final, Boxscore
1:15pm, Gm 4 - Toksook Bay (3-0) 95, Golovin (20-9) 70 Final, Boxscore
9:45am, Gm 2 - #3-Noatak (23-3) 41, Fort Yukon (15-1) 47 Final, Boxscore
8:45pm, Gm 8 - #1-Klawock (16-2) 73, #4-Nikolaevsk (19-8) 41 Final, Boxscore
5:15pm, Gm 6 - Shaktoolik (14-1) 47 St. Mary's (14-9) 37 Final, Boxscore
3:30pm, Gm 5 - Akiachak (10-2) 68, New Stuyahok (2-2) 80 Final, Boxscore
1A Boys Scoring Leaders
39 pts; Akiachak, Soph. Fritz Jackson
39, New Stuyahok, Sr. Joseph Kohler
33, Toksook Bay, Soph. Byron Nicholai
32, Golovin, Sr. Casey Sherman
27, Seldovia, Jr. Calem Collier
25, Seldovia, Soph. Aidan Philpot
23, Yakutat, Jr. Kalani Russell
22, Alak, Sr. Burton Nayakik
22, King Cove, Sr. Jaimen Newman
22, Shaktoolik, Sr. Veron Rock
20, Selawik, Sr. Nathan Lestenkof
19, Klawock, Sr. Tyrus Morgan
19, New Stuyahok, Jr. Darren Hanson
18, Alak, Sr. Brenton Nayakik
18, Klawock, Sr. Matthew Peters
17, Alak Jr. Christian Sarren
17, Golovin, Soph. Peter Olson
17, Yakutat, Sr. Billy Brown
16, Klawock, Jr. Josh Marvin Looney
1A Boys Rebounding Leaders
14 reb; King Cove, Sr. Paul Hamilton
12, Selawik, Sr. William Foster
11, St Marys, Soph. Joey Beans
11, Yakutat, Sr. Billy Brown
10, New Stuyahok, Jr. Donald Apokedak
10, Nikolaevsk,Soph. Neil Gordeev
Yakutat, Sr. Billy Brown, 17 pts, 11 reb.
Monday, March 17th, 2014
1A Girls Consolation Games @ West HS
Gm 10: 8:00am - Loser Gm 5 vs. Loser Gm 7
#1-Nikolaevsk (23-4) 69, #5-Kake (10-2) 32 Final
Gm 12: 9:45am - Loser Gm 2 vs. Loser Gm 4
Alak/Wainwright (20-5) 61, Chefornak (0-3) 40 Final
Gm 18: 3:30pm - Loser Gm 3 vs. Loser Gm 6
Huslia (7-8) 41, #2-Cook Inlet (15-6) 57 Final
Gm 20: 5:15pm - Loser Gm 1 vs. Loser Gm 8
Scammon Bay (11-4) 45, Akiachak (0-4) 18 Final
1A Girls Quarterfinals Games @ Sullivan Arena
Top of Bracket
Gm 9: 8:00am - Winner Gm 5 vs. Gm 7 Winner
Buckland (23-5) 47, St. Mary's (21-5) 30 Final, Boxscore
Gm 11: 9:45pm - Winner Gm 2 vs. Gm 4 Winner
#3-Newhalen (10-7) 63, Teller (15-4) 43 Final
Bottom of Bracket
Gm 17: 3:30pm - Winner Gm 3 vs. Gm 6 Winner
Kiana (15-10) 42, #4-Yakutat (13-6) 19 Final
Gm 19: 5:15pm - Winner Gm 1 vs. Gm 8 Winner
Shishmaref (16-1) 47, Koliganek (1-1) 34 Final
2A Girls Coaches Poll as of March 14th: 1. Dillingham, 2. Metlakatla, 3. Unalakleet, 4. Craig, 5. Glennallen
2A Girls Quarterfinals Games @ Sullivan Arena
Top of Bracket
Gm 3: 11:30am - #5 Glennallen (15-3) 22, #4 Craig (6-5) 29 Final
Gm 8: 8:45pm - #1 Dillingham (14-3) 56, Tikigaq (5-12) 29Final
Bottom of Bracke
Gm 4: 1:15pm - #3 Unalakleet (17-1) 43, Bristol Bay (10-8) 36 Final
Gm 7: 7:00pm - #2 Metlakatla (12-2) 63, Nenana (12-6) 42 Final
1A Boys Consolation Games @ West HS
Gm 14: 11:30am - Loser Gm 1 vs. Loser Gm 7
#5-Scammon Bay (14-8) 66
Selawik (18-9) 67 Final
Gm 16: 11:30am - Loser Gm 3 vs. Loser Gm 4
Golovin (20-10) 73
King Cove (4-2) 95 Final
Gm 22: 7:00pm - Loser Gm 2 vs. Loser Gm 8
#3-Noatak (23-4) 52
#4-Nikolaevsk (20-8) 60 Final
Gm 24: 7:00pm - Loser Gm 6 vs. Loser Gm 5
Akiachak (10-3) 56
St. Mary's (15-9) 57 Final
1A Boys Quarterfinals Games @ Sullivan Arena
Top of Bracket
Gm 13: 11:30am - Winner Gm 1 vs. Gm 7 Winner
#2 Yakutat (19-6) 47
Seldovia (16-9) 55 Final
Gm 15: 1:15pm - Winner Gm 3 vs. Gm 7 Winner
Toksook Bay (3-0) 79 Final
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Bottom of Bracke
Gm 21: 7:00pm - Winner Gm 2 s. Gm 8 Winner
Fort Yukon (15-1) 38
Klawock (16-2) 65 Final
Gm 23: 8:45pm - Winner Gm 6 s. Gm 5 Winner
New Stuyahok (2-3) 47
Shaktoolik (15-1) 65 Final
Coaches Poll as of March 14th: 1. Bristol Bay High,
2. Metlakatla, 3. Glennallen, 4. Dillingham, 5. Hooper Bay
2A Boys Quarterfinals Games @ Sullivan Arena
Top of Bracket
Gm 1: 8:00am - Haines (3-10) 44
#3 Glennallen (14-6) 61 Final
Gm 2: 9:45am - Unalakleet (7-7) 53
#1 Bristol Bay (17-6) 70 Final
Bottom of Bracke
Gm 5: 3:30pm - #5 Hooper Bay (7-9) 56
#4 Dillingham (12-13) 73 Final
Gm 6: 5:15pm - Nenana (7-7) 40
#2 Metlakatla (14-4) 55 Final
Day 1: 1A & 2A Tournament Individual Leaders
Scoring Leaders
35-pts, 2A-Glennallen, Jr. Cameron Peters
27, 1A-Seldovia,Soph. Aidan Philpot
25, 1A-Klawok, Sr Matthew Peters
24, 2A-Dillingham, Sr. DylanWassily
23, 1A-Toksook Bay, Sr. Matthew Pitka
22, 1A-Alak, Sr. Burton Nayakik
21, 1A-Shaktoolik, Sr. Veron Rock
20, 2A-Bristol Bay, Sr . Everett Moorcroft
20, 1A-New Sutyahok, Jr. Darren Hanson
20, 1A-Klawok, Sr. Tyrus Morgan
18, 2A-Metlakatla, Sr. Tristan Alexander
18, 1A-Toksook Bay, Soph. Isaiah Pitka
17, 2A-Hooper Bay, Sr. Harold Hoelscher
Leading Rebounders
20, 1A-Shaktoolik, Sr. Veron Rock
18, 2A-Unalakleet, Sr. Tristan Ticket
16, 1A-Ft Yukon, Soph, Jerry Carroll
16, 1A-Klawok, Sr. Tyrus Morgan
13,1A-Klawok, Sr. Matthew Peters
12, 1A-Shaktoolik, Sr. Alex Sampson
12, 2A-Bristol Bay Jr. Brydin Pacheco
12, 1A-Seldovia, Jr. Seth OLeary
10 2A-Glennallen, Jr. Cameron Peters
10, 1A-Toksook Bay, Jr. John Chakuchin
10, 1A-Alak, Sr. Brenton Nayakik
10, 1A-Toksook Bay, Soph. Isaiah Pitka
10, 1A-Toksook Bay Sr. Matthew Pitka
10,1A-Ft Yukon, Jr. Aaron Solomon
25-pts/13-reb; 1A-Klawok, Sr Matthew Peters
23-pts/10-reb; 1A-Toksook Bay, Sr. Matthew Pitka
22-pts/10-reb; 1A-Alak, Sr. Burton Nayakik
21-pts/20-reb; 1A-Shaktoolik, Sr. Veron Rock
20-pts/16-reb; 1A-Klawok, Sr. Tyrus Morgan
18-pts/18-reb; 2A-Metlakatla, Sr. Tristan Alexander
18-pts/10-reb; 1A-Toksook Bay, Soph. Isaiah Pitka
Tuesday, March 18th
1A Girls Semi-Finals Games
Consolations Semi Games from Opening Round @ West HS
Gm 28: 12:00pm - Alak/Wainwright (20-6) 36, #1-Nikolaevsk (24-4) 46 Final
Gm 30: 1:45pm - Scammon Bay (11-5) 39, #2-Cook Inlet (16-6) 45 Final
1A Girls Consolations Semis @ Sullivan Arena
Gm 25: 8:00am - St. Mary's (21-6) 28, Teller (16-4) 46 Final, Boxscore
Gm 26: 9:45am - Koliganek (1-1) 16, #4-Yakutat (13-6) 28 Final, Boxscore
1A Girls Semis @ Sullivan Arena
Gm 31: 3:30pm - Buckland (23-6) 40, #3-Newhalen (11-7) 48 Final, Boxscore
Gm 33: 5:15pm - Kiana (15-11) 48, Shishmaref (17-1) 50 Final, Boxscore
2A Girls Semi-finals Games @ Sullivan Arena
Consolation Girls Semis
Gm 12: 1:15pm - Tikigaq (5-13) 28, #5 Glennallen (16-3) 48 Final, Boxscore
Gm 11: 11:30am - Bristol Bay (10-9) 41, Nenana (13-6) 43 Final
2A Girls Semis
Gm 13: 3:30pm - #4 Craig (6-6) 27, #1 Dillingham (15-3) 34 Final, Boxscore
Gm 14: 5:15pm - #2 Metlakatla (12-2) 43, #3 Unalakleet (17-1) 50 Final
1A Boys Semi-Finals Games
Consolations Semi from opening round Games @ West HS
Gm 32: 3:30pm - Selawik (18-10) 51
King Cove (5-2) 76 Final
Gm 34: 5:15pm - St. Mary's (15-10) 52
#4-Nikolaevsk (21-8) 64 Final
1A Boys Consolation Semis @ Sullivan Arena
Gm 27: 11:30am - #2 Yakutat (19-7) 52
Alak/Wainwright (2-0) 55 Final, Boxscore
Gm 29: 1:15am - New Stuyahok (2-4) 26
Fort Yukon (16-1) 62 Final, Boxscore
1A Boys Semis @ Sullivan Arena
Gm 35: 7:00pm - Seldovia (16-10) 37
Toksook Bay (4-0) 42 Final, Boxscore
Gm 36: 8:45pm - New Stuyahok (2-4)54
Klawock (17-2) 70 Final, Boxscore
2A Boys Semi-finals Games @ Sullivan Arena
Consolation Boys Semis
Gm 9: 8:00am - Haines (3-11) 55
Unalakleet (8-7) 61 Final, Boxscore
Gm 10: 9:45am - #5 Hooper Bay (7-9) 42
Nenana (7-7) 59 Final, Boxscore
2A Boys Semis
Gm 15: 7:00pm - #1 Bristol Bay (17-7)65
#3 Glennallen (15-6) 69 Final, Boxscore
Gm 16: 8:45pm - #2 Metlakatla (14-5)37
#4 Dillingham (13-13) 43 Final, Boxscore
Wednesday, March 19th
1A Girls Games
Gm 37: 8:00am, 3rd Place @ Sullivan Arena - Loser Gm 31 vs. Loser 33
Kiana (15-12) 36, Buckland (24-6) 41 Final, Boxscore
Gm 38: 9:00am, 4th Place @ West HS - Winner Gm 25 vs. Winner Gm 26
#4-Yakutat (13-7) 26, Teller (17-4) 30 Final, Boxscore
Gm 41: 11:20am - Court 1 @ Sullivan Arena - Winner Gm 28 vs. Winner Gm 30
#2-Cook Inlet (16-7) 26, #1-Nikolaevsk (25-4) 45 Final
2:00pm - Championship Game @ Sullivan Arena - Winner 31 vs. Winner Gm 33
Shishmaref (17-2) 60, #3-Newhalen (12-7) 61 Final, Boxscore
2A Girls Games
Gm 17: 8:00am 3rd Place @ Sullivan Arena - Loser Gm 13 vs. Loser Gm 14
#4 Craig (6-6) 42, #2 Metlakatla (12-2) 44 Final
Gm 19: 12;20pm @ West HS - Winner Gm 12 vs. Winner Gm 11
Nenana (13-7) 26, #5 Glennallen (17-3) 31 Final
Championship Game @ Sullivan Arena - Winner 13 vs. Winner Gm 14
#3 Unalakleet (17-2) 21, #1 Dillingham (16-3) 30 Final
1A Boys Games
Gm 39: 9:40am 3rd Place @ Sullivan Arena - Loser Gm 35 vs. Loser Gm 36
New Stuyahok (2-5) 55
Seldovia (17-10) 66 Final, Boxscore
Gm 40: 10:40am 4th Place @ West HS - Winner Gm 27 vs. Winner Gm 29
Fort Yukon (17-1) 63 Final, Boxscore
Gm 41: 11:20am @ Sullivan Arena - Winner Gm 32 vs. Winner Gm 34
Nikolaevsk (21-9) 51
King Cove (6-2) 62 Final
Championship Game @ Sullivan Arena - Winner Gm 35 vs. Winner Gm 36
Toksook Bay (4-1) 43
Klawock (18-2) 55 Final, Boxscore
2A Boys Games
Gm 18: 9:40am 3rd Place @ Sullivan Arena - Semi-Final Loser Gm 15 vs. Semi-Final Loser Gm 16
#1 Bristol Bay (17-8) 49
#2 Metlakatla (15-5) 51 Final, Boxscore
Gm 20: 2:00pm 4th Place @ West HS - Consolation Winner Gm 9 vs. Consolation Winner Gm 10
Nenana (7-8) 55
Unalakleet (9-7) 67 Final, Boxscore
Championship Game 8:30pm @ Sullivan Arena - Winner Gm 15 vs. Winner Gm 16
#4 Dillingham (13-13) 39
#3 Glennallen (15-6) 59 Final